This Zucchini Salty Cake is an compact lunch that delivers protein, fat, healthy carbohydrates, and a lot of fibers. This recipe is realy tasty and you can eat it warm or cold.
Zucchini is an incridible vegetable, it has a lot fiber and micronutrients and only few calories, it’s very nutritious and helps you stay full.
Eggs are an excelent source of protein, cheese is also a source of protein and fat and corn flour and oats are gluten-free sources of carbohydrates.
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Zucchini Salty Cake
A compact lunch that delivers protein, fat, healthy carbohydrates, and fiber. It tastes really good and can be eaten warm or cold.
- 500 g zucchini
- 100 g carrots
- 100 g onion
- Cherry tomatoes
- 150 g curd or any fresh cheese
- 100 g hard cheese
- 6 eggs
- 50 g cornflour
- 50 g oat flour
- 50 ml olive oil
- 1 tsp Italian seasoning
- 2 tsp curry powder
- 2 cloves garlic
- Fresh herbs like dill, parsley, mint, coriander
- Start with washing your zuchini and grating them. Mix them with salt and let sit for at least 10-15 minutes. It is important after this step to drain the liquid before adding the zucchini to the other ingredients.
- Meanwhile, wash, peel, and grate the carrots as well, chop the onion, wash the cherry tomatoes and set them aside for the end.
- In a bowl, mix curd/fresh cheese with eggs, olive oil, and spices. Incorporate corn, oat flour, and grated hard cheese. You can set aside a part of the grated cheese to add it on top when you bake the cake in the oven.
- You can add zucchini, carrots, onions, and finely chopped fresh herbs to the batter and pour the mixture into a baking form. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and spread them on top.
- Spread some cheese on top or at the end of the baking time (180 degree around 30-40 minutes).
The caloric value was calculated per serving.
Recommendations for doshas: This is a protein-rich meal that should be eaten for lunch when the digestive fire is at its highest. It also contains plenty of vegetables, herbs, and spices, which brings balance to this dish. Moderation is generally recommended in the Ayurveda diet, as eating too much causes “ama” (metabolic residues that are often the main cause of diseases). Choosing goat or sheep milk products is considered healthier in Ayurveda. If you have access to it and like the taste, consider using them instead of the classic
cow milk products. Vata: Cheese products have an oily, heavy nature that benefits Vata. Pitta: This is a good meal for a Pita constitution, but needs some precaution, especially in the summer months. Hard cheese aggravates pitta, so reduce the amount or simply leave it out of this recipe. Preferably, do not add garlic. Replace it with mint or cardamon, as they have a cooling effect. Kapha: Not suitable for this constitution as many ingredients aggravate Kapha energy
Recommendations for doshas: This is a protein-rich meal that should be eaten for lunch when the digestive fire is at its highest. It also contains plenty of vegetables, herbs, and spices, which brings balance to this dish. Moderation is generally recommended in the Ayurveda diet, as eating too much causes “ama” (metabolic residues that are often the main cause of diseases). Choosing goat or sheep milk products is considered healthier in Ayurveda. If you have access to it and like the taste, consider using them instead of the classic
cow milk products. Vata: Cheese products have an oily, heavy nature that benefits Vata. Pitta: This is a good meal for a Pita constitution, but needs some precaution, especially in the summer months. Hard cheese aggravates pitta, so reduce the amount or simply leave it out of this recipe. Preferably, do not add garlic. Replace it with mint or cardamon, as they have a cooling effect. Kapha: Not suitable for this constitution as many ingredients aggravate Kapha energy
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Muito gostoso!