Beauty and Ayurveda
- Stay beautiful
- The Beauty of the Eyes with Ayurveda
- Beauty face pack from Ayurveda
- Natural Beauty with Spinach and Ayurveda
- Treatment for freckles
- Ayurveda's Beauty Hair Care
- Beautiful lips
- Sleep well, keep beauty
- Halitosis
- Anger
- Pimple Beauty Care with Ayurveda
- Natural Anti-Aging tips
- Beauty Natural Skin Care from Ayurveda
- Mud therapy
- Browse the compendium:
Beauty is a desire of all people since the beginning of societies, especially women. For this reason, throughout history, and around the world there have been various treatments and tips to be more beautiful. Ayurveda brings extensive knowledge of beauty, with totally natural treatments.

Stay beautiful
So many types of elements are found in nature, which can defeat every disease. Nowadays, so many types of medicines and different types of products have started coming into the markets. Ayurveda is also considered very good for your skin, it is neither expensive nor does it cause any harm in using it. In earlier times, women used to resort to Ayurveda to beautify themselves, so we also thought why not tell you some such remedies of Ayurveda, so that you can capture your beauty for a long time.
Ayurveda Beauty Recipes
1. For wrinkles – If you want to remove wrinkles on the face, then apply castor oil on your face, it will make the skin very soft and wrinkles will also reduce.
2. Clean skin- If there are spots on the skin, then clean the face and pores by immersing the cotton in the cream milk. With this, the face will be clean as well as the pores will also open.
3. Natural Moisturizer- If your skin is normal then make natural moisturizer by yourself. To make this, mix 4 spoons of curd and a few drops of lemon and orange in a bowl and use it as a mask on your face. After applying this, clean this mask with cotton within 15 minutes.
4. Skin Conditioner- To make this, take two spoons of cream and add honey to it. Apply this mixture on your face for five minutes and then wipe it with a wet cloth or cotton.
5. Toner- If you take raw potato and apply it on your face, it will tone your skin and also remove the problem of pigmentation.
6. Hair on the face- To remove it, make a paste with the right mixture of sesame oil, turmeric powder, and flour.
7. If your skin is oily or normal, cold weather won’t affect it too much, but if you have dry skin, it will definitely need extra care this season. During cold days, the skin becomes chapped or dry due to cold winds, especially the skin on the face. Maintaining skin moisture is not difficult, you can avoid the bad effects of the weather by having facials according to the season.
Glycerin and Beauty for Ayurveda
First of all, clean the facial skin with a gentle cleanser and wash it with water. Now mix equal quantity of glycerin and rose water and massage the face lightly with it. On the light massage of the neck, move the hands upwards a little strictly. Massage the chin while taking the hands out.
While massaging the cheeks in circular motion, move the hand from bottom to top. With this process blood circulation will increase and the pinkness of the throat will remain. While massaging on the forehead or forehead, move the hands slightly obliquely from left to right. Taking care of the delicacy of the eyes, rotate the fingers in such a way that glycerin does not enter the eyes, because it can cause irritation in the eyes.
Glycerin massage is necessary for the lips in winters. It soothes dry skin and protect your lips. Massage the lips once on the left side and then once on the right side. It is also a great massage for the nose. With this, even the hard skin of the nose will become soft and shiny.
If you do this massage only two to three times a day in winter, if you get time, then the glow of your skin will be visible and its effect will be permanent on the skin.
Let’s know…
The face packs used these days are also slightly different. The best pack is considered to be of red sandalwood powder. Mix fresh cream in it in such quantity that it becomes a thick paste. Apply this paste on the neck and the entire face by moving your hands from bottom to top in a circular motion. Wash off with lukewarm water after fifteen to twenty minutes. This will remove the dryness of the skin.
If you have dry skin, add two to three drops of lemon juice to almond oil and mix sandalwood powder. Apply it on the face. After five to seven minutes, remove it by rubbing it with light hands and washing the face with lukewarm water. If almond oil is not available, you can also use skimmed milk. This will increase the softness of the skin and can reduce spots.
If you stay in the sun for a long time, then there is an effect on the complexion. Take raw milk and lemon juice in cotton and rub it slowly on such skin. This will bring the skin back to its original colour.
Iron content is high in beetroot. Regular consumption of this brings glow on the face.
Pimples Beauty Care From Ayurveda
From the treasure of Ayurveda, we have brought such special amazing simple and easy tips, by adopting which you too can get a healthy body. Presenting how to keep the skin away from pimples and spots, its easy home remedies especially for you:
Mix 5 grams of sulfur powder in 25 ml of glycerin and 25 ml of pure rose water. Apply this paste on the spots and pimples of the face and leave it at night. Wash face with water in the morning. With this paste, you can get rid of acne problem in a week. Apply it thrice a week for best results.
Take 20 grams of dried peels of orange, and 5 grams of dried neem leaves and grind them to make powder. Mix 5 grams of sandalwood powder and flour in this powder. Add 5 ml almond oil and an equal amount of sesame oil to this mixture. Now keep this mixture on the face overnight and wash it with water in the morning. Apply this procedure 3-4 times a week.
Boil 3 grams (each) leaves of rose leaves, senna, neem, basil and chicory. Filter this mixture and add sugar to it. Drink this mixture every night before sleeping and you will see the difference within 15 days.
The Beauty of the Eyes with Ayurveda
The eyes are the windows of the soul. The gaze is one of the most attractive things about a person. Ayurveda beauty knowledge can help you to have a more beautiful and striking gaze.
For bright eyes
Eyes should be washed daily with cold water as soon as you wake up in the morning. Or soak triphala or neem leaves in water at night, filtering this water and washing the eyes increases eyesight.
Applying kajal made of mustard oil on the eye lids and keeping rose water on the eye lids keeps the eyes clean. Eyes start to hurt after reading and writing for a long time. Keep your palms lightly on the eyes in between.
Exercise 5 minutes Eye Yoga during the day: the eyes by repeatedly moving the eyes up-down, left-right, diagonally and round. Consumption of green fresh vegetables, carrots, beetroot and ghee made from milk etc. improves eyesight.
Dark spots under eyes
Dark spots under the eyes are a common problem, they are caused due to less sleep, excessive fatigue, weakness, or any disease. They are often due to sleep disorders and black spots appear on their eyes. Getting sleep is essential for health. If you are not able to sleep, or you are tired, then you should exercise every morning.
The skin around the eyes is very delicate. That’s why great care should be taken while applying cosmetics. A moisturizing cream or lotion should be used before sleeping. Use cotton swabs around the eyes to apply lotion. Almond cream is most suitable for the eyes. This also clears the complexion and at the same time nourishes the skin. Do not leave any cosmetics on the eye area for a long time. Don’t apply face lotions and packs around the eyes. Cucumber juice, potato juice and rose water should be soaked in cotton wool and kept on the eyes.
Add some amount of saffron to the honey and mix well. Apply this paste on the dark circles under the eyes. Applying castor oil on dark circles around the eyes ends dark circles. Applying potato juice around the eyes clears the dark circles of the eyes.
Beauty face pack from Ayurveda
To do an beauty face pack from Ayurveda, make a paste by mixing coconut water, raw milk, cucumber juice, lemon juice, gram flour and a little sandalwood powder to rejuvenate the sun tanned skin. Apply it one hour before taking a bath. Do it twice a week. The skin will become shiny after becoming smooth.
If small pimples or big pimples are left on the face, then mix two ground almonds, two spoons of milk and one spoon of dried orange peel powder and rub it slowly on the face and leave it.
Natural Beauty with Spinach and Ayurveda
Spinach vegetable is very useful for women. If women want to increase the natural beauty and redness of their faces, then they should consume spinach juice regularly.
It has been observed experimentally that continuous consumption of spinach improves complexion. If it is eaten raw, it is more beneficial and beneficial than eating it after frying. Blood purification and strength are supported by spinach.
Grinding spinach with mint in a grinder and massaging it gives a rosy glow to the skin. Crushed spinach is also useful for hair. Hair grows by drinking spinach juice daily.
Treatment for freckles
To clear facial freckles, take half lemon and half teaspoon turmeric. Mix these things together to make a paste. Apply the mask of this mixture three or four times a week on the face.
Freckles will end and your face will also shine. Rubbing fresh lemon on the face is also beneficial for freckles. Freckles on the face also occur due to strong sunlight. Therefore, do not let the face get affected by the strong sunlight as far as possible.
Eating apples and rubbing apple pulp on the face also removes freckles. Lack of sleep at night also causes freckles on the face, to remove which wash the face thoroughly before sleeping at night.
After that, grind three or four almonds in one spoon of cream and make a mixture of both, then apply this mixture on the face, massage it with light hands and go to sleep. Wake up in the morning and wash your face.
Ayurveda’s Beauty Hair Care
To prevent hair fall
Hair loss is such a problem, which can put anyone under stress. Today every other person has to face the problem of hair loss. If you are also troubled by this problem, then definitely adopt the Ayurvedic funds given below.
• Normally, honey is easily available at everyone’s place. Everyone knows the medicinal properties of honey. Honey has a cooling effect and it is capable of curing many diseases. Hair loss can also be stopped with honey.
• If hair falls, make a paste of one teaspoon honey and one teaspoon cinnamon powder in hot olive oil. Apply this paste on the head before taking bath. After 15 minutes, wash the head with warm water. By doing this, the problem of hair loss will start to subside within a few days.
• Mixture of cinnamon and honey is very effective. According to Ayurveda, many diseases can be treated with their mixture. They should be used to keep the skin and body glowing and healthy.
• Drink coconut water regularly. Boil amaranth in coconut oil and apply it on the hair.
• Boil water for bathing, add amaranth and boil it. Then, apply it in the head and leave it for 15 minutes.
• If you smoke or use drugs, stop. Hair fall will reduce soon.
• Drink more and more water and reduce the intake of tea and coffee.
• Hair massage has been considered essential in Ayurveda. In this case, the head should be massaged well with coconut oil or almond oil.
• Put henna leaves in mustard oil and heat it. Cool it and apply it on hair, it can reduce hair fall.
If you use aloe vera like this then hair will not fall
Aloe vera has many preventive properties of many diseases. Due to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, aloe vera heals the wound quickly due to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties.
It maintains the level of sugar in the blood. It is beneficial for piles, diabetes, uterine diseases, upset stomach, joint pain, skin disorders, acne, dry skin, sunburnt skin, wrinkles, spots on the face, dark circles under the eyes, cracked heels . Aloe vera is very good for hair. The benefits of aloe vera are many. It not only makes your hair beautiful and shiny but also strengthens the roots of the hair and is also effective in bringing life to the hair. To make the hair beautiful, apply aloe vera gel on the head and wash the head after keeping it for half an hour. Aloe vera also helps with the problem of baldness and excessive hair fall.
Lemon Juice Can Help to Prevent Hair Fall
In case of hair fall or breakage, mixing two times coconut oil in lemon juice and gently massaging the roots of the hair with the tips of the fingers could stop your hair fall.
Finely grind jujube leaves and neem leaves, mix lemon juice in it and apply it on the hair and wash the hair after two hours. By using it for a month, new hair grows and hair fall can stop.
Mix the juice of one lemon in milk and leave it on the head for half an hour. Then wash the head with lukewarm water. This can reduce hair fall and can make your hair grow faster.
General Ayurveda Beauty Hair care
Hibiscus leaves act as a natural hair conditioner and this increases the thickness of the hair. Hair does not turn white before time. This also can help to reduce hair fall. This can treat many deficiencies of the scalp.
Make a paste by mixing two spoons of glycerin, 100 grams of curd, two spoons of vinegar, two spoons of coconut oil. Apply this paste in the hair for half an hour, then clean the hair with water. Apply sour curd in the hair for some time, then wash the hair with lukewarm water. Hair will become very soft.
Hair care and food
The quality of your hair depends on its general health. Protein rich diet, with an exuberant use of fruits and fresh vegetables is good for beautiful and healthy hair. Lots of water and lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Vitamin E can help your hair to have more shine and you can get this much needed vitamin by including brown rice, nuts, wheat germ and green leafy vegetables in your diet.
The growth, shine and health of hair is governed by our internal system of the body. Proper care is essential for healthy hair. Since the beginning of time women have been known to use various foods to enhance beauty, solve skin and hair problems, and provide solutions to common problems.
If so, then you may want to consider making some healthy dietary changes. A diet that contains plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, calcium through low-fat dairy products and lean meats, such as turkey, chicken and fish, is ideal. Your diet is known to improve many things including the quality of your hair and how fast it can grow. Making these simple changes can help in the hair growth process. Not only can your hair grow back quicker, but it is likely to look more healthy and, ultimately, more beautiful.
If you want your hair to grow long and healthy, you want to make sure that you take as much care of it as you possibly could. Use an Ayurveda’s beauty care. Always remember that you should avoid using a brush on your hair when it is wet.
Sometimes due to head injury, diseases, diabetes, leukemia, decay, ringworm, eczema etc., the hair on our head starts falling slowly. This type of hair loss takes the form of baldness while increasing. Worry, trouble, shock and accident also cause hair fall on the head. But there are some Ayurvedic remedies which can be tried to get rid of the problem of baldness as well as make the hair strong and beautiful. Deficiency of essential nutrients like Iodine, Vitamin B complex, Iron, Copper, Vitamin A also have a bad effect on our body. As a result, the hair on the head becomes dry and gradually they start breaking and falling. That’s why eating sprouted wheat, moong etc. in such a situation is very beneficial. Along with this, along with paneer, water chestnut, spinach bathua, peas, tomatoes etc., salad should also be taken in the food.
Chewing equal quantity of black sesame and bhringraj mixed together in the morning on an empty stomach daily for three months, helps hair to grow faster and thick and can reduce hair fall. Applying amaranth paste on the bald spot regularly for one month is beneficial. By washing the head with its decoction, along with hair growth, it will support your natural hair color.
Castor oil is also very useful. Baldness can be improved by massaging the head with its oil daily for two months at night. Apply Jamalgote seeds with lemon juice on the place of baldness, then wash the head after some time. Good effect can be visible in a few days. Mix Dhatura juice in coconut oil and apply it daily before bath for fifteen days, the benefits will be visible in a few months.
Mix 100 grams of coconut oil with 4 grams of camphor and put this mix in a bottle. Twice a day after bath, when the hair is dry and at night before going to bed, massage the scalp thoroughly. The benefits will start from the second day itself.
Premature graying of hair
Take one spoonful of Amla powder with two sips of water as the last thing at bedtime. It has good effect on untimely graying of hair and loss of radiance of the face. At the same time, the voice becomes sweet and pure and hoarseness in the throat is also cured by this.
Dry hair
If your hair is dry, then once a week, give hot oil massage and steam on the hair. The hot oil will prevent the hair from drying out and make it soft.
Keep the henna on the hair till the color comes and then wash it immediately. The longer the mehndi stays in the hair, the longer it absorbs moisture from the hair.
Brushing on dry hair by pressing on the scalp activates the oil glands, which reduces the dryness of the hair.
Beautiful lips
Ayurveda Beauty Lip Care
Lips start cracking in cold weather. In such a situation, the beauty of the lips starts to disappear. If you are also troubled by the cracking or blackness of your lips, then with some easy tips given below, you can enhance the beauty of your lips.
- Applying glycerine on the lips twice daily is beneficial. Grind cardamom and mix it with butter and apply it twice daily for at least seven days.
- Before taking a bath, take a quarter spoon of groundnut oil in the palm and rub it in the palm with the finger. Then massage it on the lips. It is beneficial for lips.
- Applying mustard oil on the navel before sleeping prevents chapped lips.
- Mixing a little salt in ghee and applying it on the lips and navel stops chapping of lips.
- Eating five almonds every morning and evening prevents chapped lips.
- Apply some cream mixed with fresh rose petals on the lips. By doing this regularly, the lips will bloom like a rose.
- Apply fresh butter on dry lips.
- Mix nutmeg, fresh rose petals and fresh butter and apply on the lips.
- Mix olive oil and Vaseline and apply on chapped lips three or four times a day. After regular treatment for three to four days, the cracks in your lips will start to heal or be filled.
- If the lips remain chapped too much, then apply tomato juice mixed with ghee or butter. Continue this remedy until the skin of the lips becomes smooth.
- Whatever may be the weather, do not let the lack of vitamin A and B complex in the body, so that it does not affect the lips. For this, keep taking green vegetables, milk, ghee, butter, fresh fruits and juices in your daily diet.
Natural Beauty remedies from Ayurveda
What do you do to make your lips beautiful? Lipstick, lip balm, moisturizer and whatnot. However, many products applied to the lips can harm them in the long run, instead of beautifying them. Here are some natural remedies for your beautiful lips
Ayurveda Beauty Lip Care With Cocoa Butter
Take two tablespoons of cocoa butter, half a teaspoon of honey wax. Put wax in a pot over boiling water and melt it. Add cocoa butter to it. Now after cooling, apply this mixture on the lips with the help of a brush. This will make the lips soft and their darkness can go away.
Milk Cream
To remove dryness from the lips, mix a pinch of turmeric in a little cream and massage it slowly on the lips regularly. You will see that with this home remedy, your lips will start becoming soft and pink in a few days.
Ayurveda Beauty Lip Care With Rose Petals
Rose petals are very beneficial to remove the darkness of the lips. With its regular use, the color of the lips can become more pink and shiny, for this, grind rose petals and add a little lemon to it.
Do you know that the darkness of the lips can also be removed using lemon? For this, rub the squeezed lemon on your lips in the morning and evening.
To remove the darkness of the lips, grind saffron in raw milk and rub it on the lips. Its use not only removes the blackness of the lips, but also makes them more attractive than before.
With the use of honey, your lips become shiny and soft within a few days. For this, take a little honey in your finger and gently rub it on your lips or mix a little honey and apply it on your lips. Do this twice a day then see its effect.
Ayurveda beauty lip care with olive oil
If the lips are completely cracked and there is darkness in them, then mixing olive oil and Vaseline and applying it on the chapped lips three or four times a day is beneficial. By applying their paste on the lips continuously for 4-5 days, the cracks of the lips also start filling up and the lips also start becoming more pink.
Beauty and Beetroot for Ayurveda
Beetroot is also called blood making machine. Beetroot is equally beneficial for lips. Applying a piece of beetroot on the lips makes the lips pink and shiny.
Sleep well, keep beauty
To stay fresh and full of energy throughout the day, it is necessary to have a good and restful sleep throughout the night but anxiety, sleeping position and circumstances can hinder your sleep.
Yoga and Meditation
If a person regularly does yoga and meditation, then they are less likely to have the problem of not sleeping at night. Yoga reduces the fatigue and stress of your body, so that you can get a good sleep.
Avoid Tea and Coffee
Do not drink too much coffee or caffeineted tea before going to bed or in the evening because tea and coffee contain substances that increase stimulation and wake up the brain. In such a situation, there can be a problem of not getting sleep.
Set a Bedtime
Fix your sleeping and waking time, when you get used to it, you will automatically start sleeping at that time. Don’t stay up until late in the night, that make you sleepless, due to which the production of harmful adrenalin hormone increases. The result of this is that you do not get sleep at all. Prepare yourself to sleep at a fixed time.
Good Distance from TV
Do not sit near the TV and computer half an hour before sleeping because the light coming from the TV and computer screen keeps making our body feel that it is still day. Because of this our body is not ready to sleep. You can read books before sleeping.
Music Therapy
There is magic in music. It reduces the fatigue of the mind, which also reduces the fatigue of the body. Listen to sweet kirtan before sleeping, sleep comes quickly.
Foot Massage
Massage your feet to sleep better. After a tiring day, massaging your feet relaxes you and helps you sleep well.
Keeping a clove in the mouth and sucking it regularly after meals helps to stop bad breath.
For Ayurveda, beauty is a question from inside and outside. If you are not in your balance, then your charisma is not beautiful for other people.
Anger calms down by eating two ripe sweet apples without peeling them on an empty stomach in the morning. Eat for fifteen days continuously. The one who throws utensils and other things, the grumpy one will also be able to get rid of anger.
People whose brain has become weak and students who do not remember the lesson, then the weakness of the brain goes away in a few days and the memory power increases. At the same time, due to a weak brain, colds persist, that also vanishes.
There is a saying – “Eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away.”
Or eat one piece of gooseberry marmalade daily in the morning and drink milk after eating one spoon of gulkand in the evening. A lot of anger will stop and your charisma will change.
Pimple Beauty Care with Ayurveda
Mix equal amount of rose water in lemon juice and apply it on the face. After half an hour wash the face with fresh water. With the use of 10-15 days acne can gets better. Or simply rubbing lemon peels slowly on the face before taking bath and after some time washing the face with lukewarm water also helps with acne in a few days.
take care
Don’t pop or scratch your pimples. This causes them to spread further and cause permanent scarring of the skin.
Rub nutmeg in raw cow’s milk on a stone, so much so that it becomes coated. Apply it on the face and let it dry on your face. Then wash it with lukewarm water and wipe it. By doing this activity twice a day, within two-three days, acne scars can get better and the face becomes radiant.
If desired, rub nutmeg in raw milk and apply it on acne and black spots at bedtime and wash it in the morning.
Even after this, in two to four weeks, the acne and black spots could be reduced and the face glows.
Natural Anti-Aging tips
Improper diet is responsible for unhealthy skin in most circumstances. Well, different skin types require other diets. But following is the list of essential things for healthy and beautiful skin:
You should drink more and more water. Because water is the best medicine for the skin. It not only refreshes you but also gives an amazing glow to your skin.
Just as our body needs oxygen, in the same way our skin needs vitamins. Following are the names of some vitamins which help in maintaining the glow of your skin.
With aging, changes begin to appear on the face. In such a situation, intake of Vitamin C can be beneficial. A study has shown that Vitamin C helps the cells that make us look older. Researchers have given information regarding the benefits of vitamin C in the study.
Researcher and author Duanqing Pei said that vitamin C provides strength to cells that become weak with age. He said that an experiment was done on rats in this regard which proved successful.
Pei said that this study has been done under the ‘reprocessing’ system of cells. He said that this experiment on humans will also prove successful. The study was published in the online edition of the science journal ‘Cell Stem Cell’.
Vitamin C
It is found in all juicy fruits like oranges, lemons, and sweet lime.
Vitamin A
Its main sources are papaya, orange, and eggyork.
Vitamin B
It is found in all leafy vegetables including fruits.
Vitamin E
It is found in peanuts, and other oil seeds. Maintaining a healthy skin is not that difficult. Just need to take care of the skin.
Mulberry: a real source of Anti-Aging
Mulberry, a delicious sweet delicate-soft fruit, has many such beneficial properties which can prove to be a boon in many diseases. Resveratrol found in mulberry is believed to clean the pollution spread in the body and remove the infected things.
If you are troubled by wrinkles, then there is nothing to worry about. For this, drink mulberry juice. Your face will become bright and fresh.
– Mulberry has anti-age properties. At the same time, it makes the skin young like youth and helps smooth out wrinkles.
– Mulberry also brings brownness to the hair, because 79 percent more antioxidants are found in it.
In addition, Mulberry has many other benefits, such as its regular use can prevent eye diseases, lung cancer, and prostate cancer.
Ayurveda beauty care with Honey
Honey: It is very helpful in smoothing out wrinkles. It softens dry skin and makes it silky and shiny.
Method: Apply a thin layer of honey on the face. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes, then soak cotton wool and wipe it off. Use honey with oily skin by adding four to five drops of lemon juice.
Neem: It increases the immunity of the skin. Its benefical for acne.
Method: Grind 4-5 neem leaves and apply it mixed with multani mitti, wash it with warm water after drying.
Ayurveda beauty care with Banana
Banana: It tightens the skin and helps smooth out wrinkles.
Method: Mash a ripe banana and apply it on the face. Wash off with cold water after half an hour.
Organic food: Ayurveda Beauty from inside
Who doesn’t get thrilled by the feeling of looking young at all times and at any age! Bright eyes, smooth cheeks and glowing skin. What do people not do to get them? Even after using all kinds of lotions, creams and skin therapies from all over the world, it has become common to see old age before age. If you want to avoid stepping on the threshold of old age before age, then only pay attention to your food and drink.
Forget the use of grains and vegetables containing chemical fertilizers available in the market. Use organic food instead. The cost of organic food can be high, but by consuming mostly organic food, you can save money by reducing the use of creams, lotions and other cosmetics. Therefore, consider them as a source of good health and glowing skin.
Apart from organic food, it is also necessary to take a balanced diet for good health. Unless you are healthy from inside, how can your face look healthy. Good health also gives glowing skin. To get this, associate yourself with organic fruits, vegetables, grains. Include food rich in good antioxidants in your diet.
Apart from this, nutrients like omega 3 also contribute to making the face shiny. Take this nutrient in the form of food instead of pills or capsules. Organic food has no chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
Foods prepared by this method are produced in a natural way. There is no such element present in these which can harm your health. Most of the celebrities also look young all the time only because of a good diet plan. If you also want a glowing skin free from wrinkles, then adopt a balanced diet and eat organic food.
Herbal bath
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is one of those celebrities who indulge herself in a lavish herbal bath for a healthy rejuvenation. There is nothing more revitalizing as an herbal bath.
However, a herbal bath in a spa is considered a high-priced affair, and not many people can afford it. In a world where everyone is becoming so eco-friendly every day, taking an herbal bath is one of the best ways to bring a variety of herbs into homes.
Herbs are the basic ingredients of almost every beauty product nowadays, that you cannot ignore. There is a French legend on The Herbal Bath which tells the story of a French girl who used herbal bath concoctions to keep her skin young and beautiful.
It is believed that Ninon of Lenclos was also considered attractive by young men well into her 70s. Among her many beauty secrets, herbal baths also find a place. You can follow in her foot steps by giving yourself a herbal bath treatment without going to a spa.
Here are some herbal bath blends to make at home without breaking the bank.
Herbal Beauty Bath Recipes From Ayurveda
Herbal Bath Blend for Dry or Chapped Skin
Material :
Dried rose petals – 1 cup
Dried lavender flowers – 1/2 cup
Lattice 30,5 cm x 61 cm
how to make
Take the mesh, fold it in half to make a 30,5 cm square piece.
Place the mixture inside the cloth.
Tie ends together.
Place it in a saucepan and add 14 liters of boiling water. Cover the saucepan and let it keep for at least an hour.
Pour the herbal liquid you prepared and the cloth with the herbs into the bath water. During the bath, squeeze the cloth with herbs to extract more of its properties.
Herbal Baths for Sore Muscles and Stiff Joints
Material :
½ cup dried lemon balm leaves
½ cup dried rosemary leaves
dried chamomile flowers ¼ cup
Lattice 30,5 cm x 61 cm
how to make
Take the fabric, fold it in half to make a 30,5 cm square piece.
Put the whole mixture in the middle and tie it around.
Put sachet in a saucepan and add 14 liters of boiling water and steep for at least one hour.
Pour the herbal liquid you prepared and the cloth with the herbs into the bath water. During the bath, squeeze the cloth with herbs to extract more of its properties.
Herbal Baths for Colds and Congestion
Material :
1/2 cup dried thyme leaves
Dried sage leaves – 1 cup
Dried rosemary leaves – ¼ cup
Lattice 30,5 cm x 61 cm
How to make :
Take the mesh and fold it in half, making it a 30,5 cm square piece.
Pour the mixture into the center of the fabric and tie the ends together.
Place sachet in a saucepan and add 14 liters of boiling water.
Cover the saucepan and keep for an hour.
Pour the herbal liquid you prepared and the cloth with the herbs into the bath water. During the bath, squeeze the cloth with herbs to extract more of its properties.
Natural Beauty Grooming From Ayurveda
Vegetables are not only useful for health, but they can also add to your beauty. unbelievable? So try these effective remedies. The glowing skin day by day will make you realize that vegetables are also beautifying.
Red Tomato: Mixing lemon juice in tomato juice and applying it removes the problem of open pores. If you have oily skin, cut a tomato in half and rub it on your face. After some time wash your face and wipe it. Doing this removes excess oiliness.
Potato: Placing thin slices of potato on the eyes provides relief to tired eyes. Raw potato juice removes dark circles under the eyes. Do not throw away the remaining water after boiling potatoes, dip your hand in it for some time, then wash it with clean water. Your hands will become clean and soft.
Cucumber: Cucumber is a natural cleanser. It is very beneficial for those with oily skin. Mix sandalwood powder in cucumber juice and make a paste. Apply it on the face. Wash off after some time. With its regular use, it can smooth out freckles. Apart from this, applying cucumber juice mixed with rose water and a few drops of lemon juice clears the complexion.
Mint: Mint can give you relief from the problem of acne. Mix sandalwood powder and Multani mitti in mint paste and apply it on the face. Wash off when dry. Its regular use is helpful in removing pimples.
Radish, the pride of salad: Radish can bring new life to your withered face. Mixing butter in radish juice and applying it regularly on the face helps with dryness and freckles. Radish juice helps to get rid of blackheads.
Beauty Natural Skin Care from Ayurveda
Make efforts to make your natural skin shine using beauty treatments from Ayurveda.
No cream in the world can change your natural individual skin, so you should try to make your skin you have got, naturally healthy and attractive.
To give a fair complexion to the your skin, mix your sage, turmeric, chironji Take it and make powder. Mixing everything one spoon each, add 6 spoons of honey and make a paste by adding lemon juice and rose water. Apply this paste on the face, neck, arms and after one hour wash the face with lukewarm water. Repeat this twice a week to let your skin shine.
Make powder by drying lemon and orange peels. Apply this powder mixed with milk without cream once a week, the skin will have an attractive glow. Consuming saffron or a spoonful of turmeric in milk in winter also purifies the blood.
Mud therapy
Mud therapy provides coolness to the body. Soil, after dissolving and absorbing the contaminated substances of the body, finally removes them from the body. Mud bandages and mud-bath are its main remedies. It’s an beauty treatment from Ayurveda.
How is the soil?
Find available soil, which is suitable for mud-bath. The soil used should be clean, free of pebbles, stones and chemical fertilizers and should be 50-80 cm below the ground. Alternative, you could buy special mud. Mud from the dead sea is really effective for your beautiful skin.
Dry Mud Bath
Sieve the clean soil with a cloth and then rub the body parts with it. When the whole body has been rubbed with mud, sit in the sun for 15-20 minutes, then take a bath with cold water, rubbing your body with a cloth.
Wet Mud Bath
Make a paste by melting the clay and filtering with a clean cloth overnight and rub it on the whole body and sit in the sun for 20-30 minutes. When the soil dries up completely, take a bath with cold water by rubbing the whole body with a cloth.
Benefits of Soil
The soil helps to treat various diseases such as constipation, nervous weakness, tension headache, high blood pressure, obesity, and especially all types of skin diseases, etc. Also, it can be used to transmit life force and make the body radiant.
Whether the disease is inside or outside the body, the soil will slowly suck its poison and heat and help to destroy it from the very root. This is the specialty of soil.
Do not re-use soil that has been used once.
If the soil is too sticky, then add some sand to it.
People suffering from infection and extremely weak should not take mud bath. After taking a bath with cold water, rub oil or lotion on the body.
Browse the compendium:
0. Ayurvedic Expert Consultation
0.1. Ayurvedic Treatments
1. About Ayurveda
2. Healthy Life
3. Beauty and Ayurveda
4. Balance your Weight
5. Ayurvedic Medicines
6. Balance your Stress
7. Ayurveda Cooking
7.1. Ayurveda Recipes
8. Diabetes and Ayurveda
9. Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama
10. Ayurveda Approach for Diseases