Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation

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Ayurveda and Yoga are connected, both are thousands of years old and were founded in India. In addition, they have the same precepts and Ayurveda incorporates Yoga as a fundamental part of its medicine. Meditation practices are also very useful for achieving the balance valued by Ayurveda and are connected to Yoga, in addition to relieving stress, anxiety and other issues that are so common today.

Photo of a woman doing Yoga facing the sea at sunset. Yoga and Ayurveda are interconnected philosophies
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Firstly, yoga is an ancient practice fundamental to Ayurveda, this mix of body practice with breathing and meditation is essential to bring balance between the body, mind, feelings and the spiritual. Besides, it is impossible to think about Ayurveda without Yoga. Both value balance, health and happiness.

In addition, Yoga has several physical benefits, greater flexibility, knowledge of your own body and strengthening of cartilage and muscles. Additionally, it is possible to do yoga related to specific benefits for the body, such as digestion and hormonal balance.

Moreover, here we have a collection of Yoga videos from our Ayurveda expert and you can book private online Yoga practice with him here. Also check out our collection of posts on Yoga, meditation and Pranayama.

Yoga for neck and cervical spine #ayurveda yoga
A hand point for digestion #digestion #ayurveda

Yoga for arms and also hands yoga for everyone #ayurveda yoga
What are mudras Gyan yoga mudra #AYURVEDA
Yoga For Lungs yoga for lungs #ayurveda Yoga
MANDUKASANA yoga para melhorar a digestão #mandukasana #ayurvedic

Yoga for neck and cervical spine #ayurveda yoga Yoga for arms and also hands yoga for everyone #ayurveda yoga Yoga For Lungs yoga for lungs #ayurveda Yoga ASHTANGA YOGA: WHAT IS ASHTANGA YOGA WHERE IT COME FROM WHAT ARE THE 8 STEP #ASHTANGA YOGA 🙏🙏
A hand point for digestion #digestion #ayurveda What are mudras Gyan yoga mudra #AYURVEDA MANDUKASANA yoga para melhorar a digestão #mandukasana #ayurvedic


Meditation is also a very important practice to relax, calm the mind and reconnect with your body. Meditative practices are essential to Ayurveda in order to achieve mental and spiritual balance.

We also have a collection of videos on meditation from our Ayurveda specialist, you can also book a personal practice here. Also check out our collection of posts on Yoga, meditation and Pranayama.

Meditation for beginners calm and inner peace releases tension #meditation #ayurveda
Guru Purnima dedicated a day for waiter #gurupurnima #ayurveda
Meditation for beginners calm and inner peace releases tension #meditation #ayurveda

Guru Purnima dedicated a day for waiter #gurupurnima #ayurveda


Pranayama is a set of powerful breathing techniques from Ayurveda that are also used in the practice of Yoga. Furthermore, breathing techniques are very good for bringing attention to the body and reconnecting with yourself. It’s a great tool to calm yourself down in moments of stress and overload, when you’re feeling anxious.

Last, we have a collection of videos teaching pranayama techniques from our Ayurveda specialist, you can also book a personal practice here. Also check out our collection of posts on Yoga, meditation and Pranayama.

What is Pranayama PRANA+AYAMA Pranayama Yoga Breathing is life PRANA AYURVEDA
Bhramari pranayama. Breath of the Bee #bhramari Pranayama AYURVEDA YOGA 🙏
Nadi shodhan Pranayama purifies the subtle energy channels Pranayama Yoga #Nadi shodhan 🙏
Anulom vilom Pranayama benefit of this Pranayama relaxation insomnia cures depression #AYURVEDA
Bhastrika Pranayama Yoga the Breath of the Bellows Pranayama Yoga #AYURVEDA YOGA
Ujjayi Pranayama the victorious breath AYURVEDA YOGA #Ujjayi
KAPALABHATI kapalabhati Pranayama breath of fire #AYURVEDA YOGA
What is Pranayama PRANA+AYAMA Pranayama Yoga Breathing is life PRANA AYURVEDA Nadi shodhan Pranayama purifies the subtle energy channels Pranayama Yoga #Nadi shodhan 🙏 Bhastrika Pranayama Yoga the Breath of the Bellows Pranayama Yoga #AYURVEDA YOGA KAPALABHATI kapalabhati Pranayama breath of fire #AYURVEDA YOGA

Bhramari pranayama. Breath of the Bee #bhramari Pranayama AYURVEDA YOGA 🙏 Anulom vilom Pranayama benefit of this Pranayama relaxation insomnia cures depression #AYURVEDA Ujjayi Pranayama the victorious breath AYURVEDA YOGA #Ujjayi

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