Triphala and Ayurveda

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Image of the three component fruits of Triphala around a plate containing powdered Triphala, this important medicine for Ayurveda.
Picture of the three component fruits of Triphala around a plate containing powdered Triphala

Three medicinal herbs make up Triphala (in Sanskrit, “tri” means “three” and “phala” means “fruits”). Triphala is an antioxidant-rich herbal preparation described as a Rasayana (rejuvenator) medicine by Ayurveda experts. Moreover, the combination of the three fruits is responsible for Triphala’s numerous health benefits.

Triphala is made from dried fruits of three different plants: Terminalia chebula (black myrobalan), Terminalia bellerica (bastard myrobalan), and Phyllantus emblica (emblic myrobalan or Indian gooseberry). The spring-harvested fruits of Terminalia chebula are high in tannins such as gallic acid, ellagic acid, chebulic acid, chebulinic acid, chebulagic acid, neochebulinic acid, corilagin, terchebin, punicalagin, and terfavin, flavonoids (rutins, luteolin and quercetin), starches, amino acids (glutamic acid, aspartic acid, lysine, arginine, and proline), ß-sitosterol, succinic acid, fructose, and fatty acids.

Constituents of Triphala

The fruits of Terminalia bellerica consist of proteins and oils that include omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (linoleic acid). Because of its high fatty acid content, this plant can impact cholesterol levels, increasing high-density lipoprotein levels (good cholesterol) while decreasing low-density lipoprotein levels (bad cholesterol), making it effective in treating coronary artery disease. Phyllanthus emblica (amla) fruits are high in ascorbic acid i.e. vitamin C.

The high density of tannins may add to the overall bitterness of amla. These fruits also include punicafolin and phyllanemblinin A, phyllemblin, and other polyphenols such as gallic acid, ellagic acid, flavonoids, and kaempferol.

Possible therapeutic Uses of Triphala

Triphala is a tridoshic Rasayana in Ayurveda, capable of balancing and rejuvenating the three doshas that regulate human life: Vata, pitta, and Kapha. It is widely used in several disease conditions owing to its following effects: 

Thus, Triphala can treat fatigue and oxidative stress and can help to treat infectious diseases like tuberculosis, pneumonia, AIDS symptoms, and periodontal disease, among others. It is also excellent for headaches, dyspepsia, ascites, and leukorrhea.

Possible Benefits of Triphala for Ayurveda

Infections and Triphala

Triphala for Dental Care

Triphala and Stress for Ayurveda

Joint and Triphala

Triphala for Digestive Tract for Ayurveda

Liver and Triphala

Diabetes and Triphala

Obesity and Triphala

Triphala and Heart for Ayurveda

Triphala for Skin

Radioprotective activity

Immunity and Triphala for Ayurveda

Antioxidant activity

Eyes and Triphala

Cancer and Triphala

Aging and Triphala

You can find more information in this paper

Triphala churna (Powder) for Ayurveda

Haritaki, Bibhitaki, and Amalaki are powdered to make Triphala churna (powder). Furthermore, as per research, it is advisable for Ayurveda to take Triphala with ghee, honey, or milk.

Eyewash: Soak one spoon of Triphala powder in a bowl of water at night. Then, filter it with a cloth in the morning and wash your eyes with that water. This experiment is very beneficial for the eyes. In Addition, this makes the eyes clean and the vision subtle. It helps to treat eye irritation, redness, etc.

Gargle: Firstly, keep Triphala soaked in water overnight. Keep this water in your mouth after brushing your teeth in the morning. Take it out after a while. Due to this, teeth and gums remain strong till old age. It destroys distaste, bad breath, and mouth ulcers.

Consuming Triphala powder with a mixture of cow’s ghee and honey (more ghee and less honey) can also be a boon for the eyes.

In addition, Triphala is beneficial in all urinary disorders and diabetes. Also, taking Triphala with lukewarm water at night helps with constipation.

Moreover, regular use of it along with a restrained diet can prevent the occurrence of eye diseases like cataracts, glaucoma, short-sightedness, etc.

Last, the recommended Triphala dosage: Take 2 to 4 grams of powder after lunch or at night with lukewarm water.

Triphala kwatha (Decoction)

To make it, combine the powder with water and boil it. Then, filter the decoction through a clean cloth. Thus, the filtrate can be used to treat skin conditions like erysipelas, eruptions, scrotal enlargement, colic pain, worm infestation, and urinary diseases. It is applied directly to open wounds and eyes, as well as gargled during pharyngitis.

Drinking lukewarm decoction of Triphala mixed with honey can help with obesity. Also, Triphala decoction has an antiseptic effect, using it in wounds can help them to heal quickly.

Triphala taila (Oil) and Ayurveda

To make this medicine from Ayurveda, boil Triphala powder with oil. Then, you can use it as a gargle, snuff, an enema, and orally to treat obesity and itching.

Triphala masi (Ash)

To make it, heat triphala powder for a long time at a low temperature in a controlled setting. In addition, Mashi/Masi is an intermediate product containing organic and inorganic ingredients. The mashi is black and has a high carbon and oxide content. You can use Triphala mashi, when mixed with honey, to treat soft chancres and wounds.

Triphala gritha (in ghee or clarified butter)

It is made by cooking the paste of triphala, trikatu (a herbal compound of Indian Long Pepper (Piper longum), Black Pepper (Piper nigrum), and Ginger (Zingiber officinale) in ghee and milk, as well as grapes (Vitis vinifera), Yestamadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra), Kutki (Picrorhiza korroa), and cardamom (Elettaria cardamom). Moreover, it is frequently used to treat eye conditions like conjunctivitis, blindness, and cataracts. Triphala gritha is also used to treat jaundice, leucorrhoea, tumours, greying, and hair loss.

Ayurveda Precautions to Take with Triphala

Terminalia chebula (one part of Triphala): Don’t use it if you have an acute cough, diarrhea, or early-stage dysentery.

Caution: Weak, emaciated, in fever people and pregnant women should not consume Triphala. If you want to consume milk, then keep a gap of 2 hours between the consumption of milk and Triphala.

Last, for more information on precautions to take Triphala, check out this paper.

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