Ayurveda offers a combined holistic approach to support people with adiposity. The Ayurvedic approach aims to restore the balance of the doshas, especially in reducing Kapha, improving metabolism, reducing weight and promoting general health. Let’s cover some Ayurvedic approaches that can be useful for adiposity.

Photo of women doing yoga on the beach. Ayurveda offers a combined holistic approach to support people with adiposity.
Picture by Kaylee Garrett at Unsplash

Diet and Nutrition (Ahara)

A diet focused on balancing Kapha is the main key to reducing adiposity, as this Dosha is associated with easy weight gain. Therefore, adopt a Kapha-balancing diet, consuming light, dry, warm and spicy foods. Prefer foods rich in fiber, fresh vegetables, fruit and wholemeal products. On the other hand, avoid foods that increase kapha, fatty, oily, heavy and sweet foods, as well as dairy products and processed sugar.
In addition, eating meals at regular times and avoiding snacks between meals promotes better digestion and metabolism, as well as making it easier to control your diet.

Herbs (Dravyaguna)

Ayurvedic massages (Abhyanga)

Abhyanga, Ayurvedic massages, are very good tools for the integrative holistic approach that can help you achieve a specific goal and promote relaxation. Udvartana, a massage using dried herbal powders, can help reduce the Kapha dosha, stimulate metabolism and improve blood circulation, therefore an approach from Ayurveda that helps with adiposity.

Purification procedure (Panchakarma)

Virechana, the Ayurvedic Panchakarma procedure of therapeutic purgation, helps to eliminate toxins from the body and reduce Kapha dosha. In addition, therapies through medicinal enemas, known as Basti, support detoxification and the balancing of doshas, especially the reduction of vata and kapha. Moreover, sweat treatment, Swedana, promotes detoxification through perspiration and helps to reduce excess Kapha.

Yoga and exercise

Regular moderate to intense physical activity, such as walking, running, swimming or dancing, helps to burn calories and reduce Kapha dosha. In addition, yoga exercises help you lose weight and promote flexibility. Asanas such as Surya Namaskar (sun salutation), Trikonasana (triangle), Virabhadrasana (warrior) and Bhujangasana (cobra) are particularly useful. Finally, Pranayamas, powerful breathing techniques from yoga, such as Kapalbhati and Bhastrika, increase metabolism and help burn fat.

Lifestyle changes (vihara)

A structured daily routine helps to balance the kapha dosha and regulate habits. Although we sometimes think we can change our whole life and do everything overnight, it’s important to pay attention to the science of habits and focus on building and integrating into the routine one new habit at a time, prioritize the healthy habits we listed earlier, such as healthy eating, yoga and exercise.
Stress management is fundamental to a fat reduction strategy, use relaxation techniques such as meditation to reduce stress and emotional eating.
Finally, remember that having a proper sleep is one of the top priorities for health, ensuring better energy levels and mental state on a daily basis, supporting hormonal balance and metabolism. These lifestyle changes are very important for Ayurveda’s approach to treating adiposity.

Environmental adaptations

Creating an environment conducive to healthy lifestyle habits is key to ensuring effective implementation in your routine, supporting weight loss. This includes a tidy and clean living space that encourages exercise and healthy eating. For example, it’s a good strategy to have your sportswear ready and in sight for exercise – think about the strategies that work best for you. It helps a lot to talk to people who live with you to help you on your journey.

Specific Ayurvedic formulations

It is important to work closely togehter with your doctor and your Ayurvedic specialist to ensure that Ayurveda’s adiposity treatment approaches are used safely and in combination with conventional treatment. Personalizing the treatment plan is crucial to achieving the best possible results.

Ayurveda-Compendium Adiposity and Ayurveda

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