Which is your Dosha?
At the heart of Ayurvedic healing and life science is the determination of the constitution of the doshas. Every person is unique and has an incomparable interaction on the physical and psychological levels.

In Ayurveda, “being healthy” means being in inner balance with the doshas. The imbalance in the physical and mental constitutional powers causes diseases.
The quality of the three doshas physical and mentally describes the individual basic constitution (Prakriti). These are specifically called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha and represent biological forces that control our organism on a structural and functional level. From an Ayurvedic point of view, our constitution is formed from a unique mixture of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
This results in pure Vata types, Pitta types, and Kapha types as well as mixed types such as Vata Pitta, Vata Kapha, Pitta Kapha, and the tridosha type Vata Pitta Kapha. Determine your dosha and find ideal recipes for your dosha.
Determine your dosha
Below is a description of all Prakritis. Carefully read the personality descriptions, physical traits, and most common health problems and see which one you most identify with. If after reading this guide you are not sure, contact an Ayurvedic expert to help you discover your dosha and for an Ayurvedic consultation.
The Vata Dosha type
People with a dominant Vata dosha are usually very slim, wiry, and creative. Vata types think and speak quickly.
Vata means air and in our body, it is synonymous with the nervous system, breathing, blood circulation, and the entire energy potential. In addition to their quick understanding, strong enthusiasm, and the tireless urge to create, Vata types also tend to be nervous, have sleep issues, circulatory problems, lack of focus, dry skin, and inner stress.
External factors such as cold, windy weather, constant noise, lack of sleep, travel, and food additives such as emulsifiers and preservatives can also lead to Vata-related diseases.
Check out this video from our Ayurveda expert on Vata dosha
The Pitta Dosha type
People with strong Pitta are powerful, energetic, and passionate people. So they are decisive, intelligent, strong-willed, and prone to emotional outbursts.
Pitta means bile and corresponds to the elements fire and a small amount of water. The physical traits of Pitta are above all in the digestive and enzyme systems as well as in the overall power of the metabolism.
Lastly, pitta types often are similar to a small volcano: they are fiery and hot, full of enthusiasm and bubbling with life energy. But this high tension can also easily erupt in outbursts of anger or cynical addiction to criticism. Besides, people with high Pitta are usually very successful at work or in competitive sports. Also, they are happy to take on positions of responsibility in society.
Check out this video from our Ayurveda expert on Pitta dosha.
The Kapha Dosha type
Kapha types are very stable, caring, loving, and security-conscious people. They are persistent, often a bit slow, and tend to suffer from complaints such as being higher weight, inflexible, internal phlegm, as well as inflammation and congestion in the frontal sinus and lung area.
Translated, Kapha means mucus. It corresponds to the elements earth and water. Also, it is represented in the body by the lymphatic and immune systems and the bone structure.
Finally, Kapha people love daily sensual pleasures and react to stress, anger, or inner conflicts with excessive snacking.
Check out this video from our Ayurveda expert on Kapha dosha.
The Kapha Pitta type
If there is a constitution that promises power, then it is the Kapha Pitta. The body is strong and robust, the immune system remains stable and the stamina and perseverance in any activity are excellent. With almost inexhaustible energy, these people pursue their goals undeterred and let (almost) nothing stop them. Health and endurance characterize the body. Furthermore, challenges from too much work, wrong food, and stress only become noticeable after a few years of intensive overexploitation. The mind of the Kapha Pitta person is also characterized by clarity and calm, perspicacity and patience, determination and composure.
Personalities from business and politics
Last, many charismatic personalities from political and economic life have a Kapha Pitta constitution, which helps them survive the strenuous life of a manager with lots of travel, irregular meals, and tough competition.
The Kapha Vata type
People with a Kapha-Vata constitution are extremely interesting personalities who always reveal new surprises. Firstly, the dominance of the contrasting elements of air, earth, and water shows in a variety of properties on a psychological and physical level. On the one hand, the Vata share gives lightness, creativity, and impermanence. This can be seen, for example, in a slim body, a faster way of speaking, and inner restlessness. The Kapha portion, on the other hand, shows in heaviness, stability, and moisture. For example, the skin may be very thick, prone to fluid retention and cellulite, or the person may be very concerned about safety and traditions. The variety in how Vata and Kapha express themselves are diverse and give a variety of interests and skills.
Sociable, curious, and social
Last, they are very social, popular, and communicative. The Vata dosha part is open, curious, and loves to talk while Kapha is very caring, social, and welcoming. The ideal mix for an exciting conversation and good friendship.
The Vata-Pitta type
People with a Vata-Pitta constitution are perfect for the modern lifestyle. You are attractive, fun, loving, and lively, have an alert mind, and are very good at communicating. Ideally, the positive traits of Vata, with its joy of movement, creativity, and quick understanding, are paired with Pitta’s determination, intelligence, and leadership qualities. The body is slim and powerful, the hair fine and soft and the whole personality emit vitality and positive dynamism.
Disharmony of both body energies
Unfortunately, in most cases, it is not just the positive traits of the doshas that mix. In the event of a disease, many people with a Vata-Pitta constitution suffer from the disharmony of both doshas, which often express itself in nervousness and restlessness (Vata), inner tension and irritability (Pitta), sleep disorders, headaches, skin impurities, and a sensitive stomach.
Movement is the priority
On the physical level, movement is in the foreground with a Vata-Pitta constitution, because both Vata and Pitta are very dynamic doshas. Vata-Pitta people are usually very athletic and have a good metabolism. The physique is delicate and yet full of energy. In addition, the skin is often sensitive and reacts to chemical substances. As a rule, the delight of sweet foods is already highly valued in childhood, and there is also a taste for music, painting, and other visual arts. The desire for a healthy and spiritually oriented way of life can also be very strong.
TriDosha: Vata Pitta Kapha type
If you have what is called a sama dosha constitution, which is made up of almost equal proportions of all elements, you are one of the chosen few who were born with a great natural balance in body and mind.
Most people develop diseases from an imbalance of the three doshas over the course of their lives, such as Vata’s sleep issues, Pitta’s irritability, and Kapha’s water retention. But only a few people have fundamentally distributed all doshas in a positive way, which leads to a very stable and favored personality structure.
Body, mind, and soul are truly in balance. A balanced tridosha constitution is noticed by the fact that there are no extreme traits. Body, mind, and soul are really in balance and all traits and functions are available to a sufficient extent. Most Vata Pitta Kapha types have a medium build, normal skin, and good metabolism. On the psychic level, they have the creativity and quick wit of Vata, the charisma and determination of Pitta, and the kindness and serenity of Kapha.
Browse the compendium:
0. Ayurvedic Expert Consultation
0.1. Ayurvedic Treatments
1. About Ayurveda
1.1. Doshas and Energy Elements
1.2. What is your Dosha?
1.3. Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation
2. Healthy Life
3. Beauty and Ayurveda
4. Balance your Weight
5. Ayurvedic Medicines
6. Balance your Stress
7. Ayurveda Cooking
7.1. Ayurveda Recipes
8.Diabetes and Ayurveda
9. Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama
10. Ayurveda Approach for Diseases