Ayurveda can help in the treatment of hyperthyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland is overactive and leads to excessive production of thyroid hormones. Ayurvedic treatment aims to restore the balance of the Doshas (especially Pitta), alleviate symptoms and improve the overall quality of life. In this article, we’ll look at some Ayurveda approaches to help with hyperthyroidism.

Photo of a woman's neck. Ayurveda can help treat Hashimoto's thyroid disease
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Diet and nutrition (Ahara)

As hyperthyroidism is often considered a Pitta disease, a diet that balances this Dosha should be adopted. Therefore, favor refreshing, bitter and astringent foods. This includes green leafy vegetables, cucumbers, bitter melon and carrots. In addition, it is important to avoid foods that increase Pitta, which are spicy, sour, salty and fried foods, as well as alcohol and caffeine.
Finally, we recommend eating small, frequent meals as they help stabilize the metabolism.

Herbs (Dravyaguna)

Oil massages (Abhyanga)

Abhyanga, Ayurvedic oil massage treatments, can help treat hyperthyroidism. Thus, regular full-body massages with cooling oils, such as coconut oil or brahmi oil, can help calm pitta and relax the nervous system.

Cleansing procedures (Panchakarma)

Panchakarma therapies are widely used in Ayurveda for detoxification. Virechana, therapeutic purging, can help remove excess Pitta from the body and restore balance. In addition, Nasya, nasal oil inhalation, helps clean the nasal passages and can help with hormonal balance. Finally, Basti, medicated enemas, aids in detoxification and balances the doshas, ​​contributing to improved metabolic health.

Yoga and meditation

Ayurveda’s strategy of incorporating yoga, Pranayamas and meditation into your daily routine can be significantly benefical for hyperthyroidism. Gentle yoga exercises support the balance thyroid function and promote relaxation. Special asanas such as Sarvangasana (shoulder pose), Matsyasana (fish pose) and Halasana (plough pose) can be helpful. Pranayamas, breathing exercises from Yoga, promotes relaxation and helps to calm the nervous system. Shitali Pranayama and Nadi Shodhana are particularly recommended. Meditation helps reduce stress and promotes emotional balance, check out our meditation guide for beginners.

Lifestyle changes (Vihara)

Lifestyle changes are fundamental to the Ayurvedic management of hyperthyroidism. Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of managing stress through regular relaxation exercises and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Moreover, ensuring a regular sleep-wake rhythm is extremely important for health and supports hormonal balance, while regular moderate physical activity helps to stabilise the metabolism and promote general well-being.

Regular monitoring

Regular monitoring of thyroid hormone levels is essential to ensure the effectiveness and safety of Ayurvedic treatments. Besides, the collaboration with medical professionals helps integrate Ayurveda methods with conventional treatments, providing comprehensive care and the best results.

Specific Ayurvedic formulations

It is important that patients with hyperthyroidism work closely together with doctor and qualified Ayurveda Expert to ensure that Ayurvedic approaches are used safely and in combination with their conventional treatment. Customisation of the treatment plan is crucial for the best possible results. If you’re looking for a specialist in Ayurveda, meet our expert on the subject.

Information on Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and the Ayurveda approach is also available.

Ayurveda-Compendium Hyperthyroidism and Ayurveda

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