Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to the treatment of arthritis, an inflammatory disease of the joints that causes pain, swelling and restricted movement. In Ayurveda, arthritis is often considered a Vata disorder, but depending on the type and symptoms, Pitta and Kapha may also be involved. In this article, we’ll present some Ayurvedic approaches to supporting arthritis.

Diet and nutrition (Ahara)

Since arthritis is related to the imbalance of the Vata Dosha, a diet centered on balancing Vata is essential for the approach. from Ayurveda. Therefore, give preference to warm, oily and easily digestible foods to calm Vata. These include warm soups, stews, cooked vegetables and wholemeal products. In addition, avoid foods that promote inflammation by reducing refined sugars, fried foods, processed meats and dairy products. Finally, take advantage of herbal teas and spices, ginger, turmeric and fennel can help reduce inflammation and facilitate digestion.

Herbs (Dravyaguna)

Oil massages (Abhyanga)

Abhyanga, special Ayurvedic massages with oils, have many therapeutic advantages. Regular massages with warm, medicinal oils, such as Mahanarayan oil or sesame oil, can help calm Vata, relieve pain and improve joint mobility.

Purification procedures (Panchakarma)

Panchakarma, purification procedures from Ayurveda, can help in the Ayurvedic treatment of arthritis. For this, Virechana, therapeutic purgation, helps to reduce excess pitta, eliminate toxins from the body and reduce inflammation. In addition, Basti, medicinal enemas, are particularly effective for calming vata and relieving joint pain. Finally, Swedana, a sweating treatment, supports detoxification and reduces muscle and joint stiffness.

Yoga and exercise

Gentle yoga exercises support joint mobility and strengthen the muscles. In addition, special asanas such as Trikonasana (triangle), Virabhadrasana (warrior) and Bhujangasana (cobra) can be particularly helpful. Besides, Pranayama, yoga’s powerful breathing exercises, promote relaxation and help reduce stress, which can exacerbate inflammation.
Finally, regular moderate physical activity, such as swimming or walking, helps to maintain joint mobility and control weight.

Lifestyle changes (vihara)

Stress management is also very important in Ayurveda’s treatment of arthritis. Use relaxation techniques such as meditation to reduce stress and the associated inflammation. In addition, regular sleep is essential for good health; a healthy sleep-wake cycle supports regeneration and well-being. Heat treatments, such as hot compresses, can also help to relax the joints and relieve pain.

Regular monitoring

Regular monitoring of the evolution of arthritis and adjusting the treatment plan in consultation with health professionals and Ayurvedic specialists is crucial.

Specific Ayurvedic formulations

General advice

It is important to work closely with your doctor and a qualified Ayurvedic specialist to ensure that Ayurvedic approaches are used safely and in combination with your conventional treatment. Personalizing the treatment plan is crucial to achieving the best possible results in the management of Arthritis with Ayurveda.

Ayurveda-Compendium Arthritis and Ayurveda

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