Quick yoga practice for smartphone and computer users

Ayurveda-Compendium Quick yoga practice for smartphone and computer users

Nowadays, most people spend all day sitting at a computer, smartphone or other electronic devices. This causes tension and pain in the arms, hands, forearms and shoulders. In this article, we’ll talk about a quick and easy yoga practice for smartphone and computer users that will help you immediately with these pains. Best of all, you can do these exercises in a fast break, while seated.

5 Yoga Exercises for Neck and Cervical Spine

Image of a blue man from the back, showing the bones with the neck and cervical area highlighted in orange. The background of the image is blue, with the texts in white: "Yoga for neck and cervical", "very easy", "Yoga", written in Spanish.

We will teach you 5 Yoga Exercises for Neck and Cervical Spine that can be done to alleviate the pains. Due to poor working posture, especially when using a computer or cell phone, neck and cervical spine pain are very common.

10 minutes Evening yoga tips for a good sleep

Image with the icon of a man on his side with monk's clothing sitting with his legs crossed. In the center of the image there are the texts: "Yoga for night", "To sleep better", "very easy" in Spanish. The background of the image is green

Sleeping well is one of the main pillars of being healthy, physically and mentally. Try this 10 minutes Evening yoga tips for a good sleep
Even more important than the amount of sleep each night is having high-quality, restful sleep. To help you sleep better, use these Yoga tips in your nighttime routine.

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