As winter approaches, many of us (including our children) struggle with persistent coughs that seem impossible to shake. While over-the-counter medicines may offer some relief, natural Ayurvedic remedies for coughing provide simple, effective, and holistic solutions to soothe the throat and chest.

cough woman

Today we’re going to talk about two Ayurvedic solutions that relieve coughs from day one and can be used by both adults and children. Watch our Ayurvedic expert‘s video about these Natural Ayurvedic Remedies for Coughing below.

1. Ginger-Honey Elixir: A Soothing Remedy

Ginger is a powerhouse of natural healing properties. Combined with honey, it creates powerful natural ayurvedic remedies for coughing. Here’s how you can prepare it:



How to Use:

Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, while honey acts as a natural demulcent, soothing the throat. Together, they provide immediate relief from coughing and irritation.

2. Mustard Oil Chest Rub: For Congested Chests

When coughing is accompanied by chest congestion, this mustard oil remedy works like magic.



How to Use:

Warning: people who are allergic to mustard oil should avoid this remedy.

Mustard oil is known for its warming properties, helping to ease respiratory discomfort and congestion. The salt enhances absorption and soothes the chest muscles, promoting better breathing.

These simple yet powerful natural ayurvedic remedies for coughing offer a natural and effective way to manage winter coughs for the entire family. Remember to share this wisdom with others who may benefit, and let me know how these remedies work for you in the comments below!

Stay warm, stay healthy, and embrace the healing power of Ayurveda.

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