Doshas and Energy Elements

Five elements in pairs make three dynamic energies called doshas. Moreover, the Sanskrit word “dosha” means “something that changes” or “something that can be out of balance”. So there is no life without doshas. Thus, these doshas are called Kapha (Earth & Water), Pitta (Fire & Water), and Vata (Ether & Air). There are many ways to balance the doshas, ​​food being one of them. For example, a dish that is able to balance all three doshas is Kitchari.

Photo of a man balancing on a stone with only one foot, illustrates a state of balance, which is very preached by Ayurveda, through the balance of its doshas.
Picture by Aziz Acharki at Unsplash

Energy Elements

According to Ayurveda, a human is a small miniature of the Universe. Everything that exists in the Universe is represented in a human body in one form or another. Then, the diversity of essence in the Universe and human beings consists of 5 elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Ether (Space).


It is a solid state of the substance or a stable substance. So these element features are stability, immobility, and solidity. Then, in a human body, there are bones, cells, and tissues, i. e. systems transporting blood and oxygen.


This element symbolizes changes or unstable substances. Moreover, in the human body, it is blood, lymph, and other liquids.


It represents the power that transforms solid substances into liquid and gaseous ones and vice versa. So it is a form without substance. Also, it is an interatomic and intermolecular attraction force in the human body. Besides, the fire element digests the food turning it into fat and muscles; it stimulates neural activity (including feelings and thoughts).


It is a gaseous form of substance. Air is mobile and volatile. This is existence without form. We can not see it, but we can feel it. Air supports oxidation reactions that occur in the human body, i. e. when energy changes from one form to another. Also, fire can not exist without air.


This element is the space that maintains existence, this is the distance, which separates one object from another. Accordingly, atoms in the human body are similar to planets in the Universe: for 0,001% of charged particles, there is 99,999% of space.


If you want more content on identifying your dosha, check out this guide. In addition, if you would like a personal consultation to identify your dosha and personalized recommendations for you, contact an Ayurvedic expert.

Kapha dosha

Kapha is the balance of Earth and Water. Accordingly, it represents the structure and anointment principle.
Kapha qualities: cold, oily, heavy, static, slow, dense, soft, and slimy. In the human body, this dosha is represented by cells, liquids, and mucus.

Signs that your kapha dosha is imbalanced

Signs of Lack of Kapha

Check out this video from our Ayurveda expert on Kapha dosha.

Pitta dosha

Pitta is the energy resulting in the dynamic interaction of fire and water. These elements are opposite to each other, but they both symbolize transformations. Besides, fire and water are capable of changing each other. Thus, Pitta is a transformation principle.
The qualities of Pitta: hot, liquid, oily, mobile, penetrating, light, and sour smell. Moreover, it occurs in the human body in the form of ferments regulating digestion and hormones responsible for metabolism. Last, on the psychic level, Pitta supports the transformation of medullary impulses into thoughts.

Signs that your Pitta dosha is imbalanced

Check out this video from our Ayurveda expert on Pitta dosha.

Signs of Lack of Pitta

Vata dosha

Vata is the energy consisting of air and ether; this is a movement principle. So, the qualities of Vata: dry, cold, light, changeable, mobile, irregular, clear, and rough. Thus, in the human body it is represented by the transportation of nervous impulses, air, blood, food, wastes, and thoughts. Meanwhile, lack of Vata causes nerve cell death, constipation, congestive effects, unconcern, and thoughtlessness

Signs that your Vata dosha is imbalanced

Fenugreek is a powerful remedy for balancing Vata. Discover how to use it to calm excess Vata in this article.

Signs of Lack of Vata

Check out this video from our Ayurveda expert on Vata dosha.

Balance of Doshas

Doshas and Climatic Conditions

Doshas balance in nature changes depending on the weather:

Seasons and doshas:

Doshas and life stages

It is also natural that doshas balance is changed with the course of age:

Doshas and Diurnal Cycle

Also dosha balance changes during the day

Such division is convenient in spring and autumn when day approximately equals night. Also, in winter, the duration of night doshas periods increases, and day doshas periods decreases. Thus, in summer, the opposite happens.

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